Saturday, January 2, 2010

Resolve and forget

Happy new year. its time to get into the new business of resolutions. But to resolve and then break that promise with self can create a sense of guilt among ourselves. Thats not good...but it has become customary to have resolution in new year. You don't want to have this year....but even then in deep into your sub- consciuos mind you resolve and there starts the process of failing in one more year. I too is not an exception. I resolved to get up at 5:00 AM daily for the whole year. i have simultaneously thought it proper to keep some space for luxry and make some arrangements in this regard. So i compromised for 5 days in the week. Today is 3rd and u know i woke up at 9:30 in the morning.....3 hours late then my usual waking time. It happenend because i took a lot of pressure in my mind nd what aamir Khan in 3 idiots sais has made it a pressure cooker and therefore could not woke up in usual time. The point which i m trying to bring home is that in life we do the same mistake again and again. We take pressure of work and that pressure doesnt let us perform even normally. thats a vicious circle...but this vicious circle is not very difficult to break...but for that we will have to take another resolution and start all over againg.
I just want to share why i want to wake up at 5:00 AM daily. I was thinking it will be wisest thing in the world, because in this manner i will be able to give time for studies, as well as to exercise. God knows what will happen to both.

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